
Message to the 20th Anniversary celebrations of Physicians Against Nuclear War Japan

Dr. Mary-Wynne Ashford

September 23rd, 2007.

Dear Colleagues and friends:

I am delighted to send my warmest greetings for the 20th Anniversary celebrations of Physicians Against Nuclear War Japan. It has been my great honor and pleasure to have known and worked with many of you over the past 20 years. I have many fond memories of your warm and generous hospitality when I have come to Japan.

This year I am very excited that you have given me the honor of translating my book, Enough Blood Shed: 101 Solutions to Violence, Terror, and War, into Japanese. As you may be aware, the book won an Independent Publishers’ Award in New York this year. It received the Silver Award in the category of Freedom Fighters. The US Constitution Illustrated won the Gold Award.

I am delighted to hear that the translation is almost completed and I look forward to hearing about the Japanese examples you will add to the book so that it will be useful and interesting to Japanese readers and activists.

The English text of the book includes the example of Article 9 in the Japanese Constitution because Japan’s commitment to forever renounce war is like a shining torch for the rest of the world to follow. It would be a great tragedy if Japan withdrew Article 9 and entered the military competition that threatens to destroy the planet.

For 20 years, PANW Japan has been working tirelessly for the abolition of nuclear weapons. You have been major supporters of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War and have contributed greatly through your participation, your conferences and publications.

This year, IPPNW launched an exciting new global campaign, ICAN -- International Campaign Against Nuclear Arms. This campaign has attracted the attention and support of governments and leading officials at the United Nations, including Dr. Hans Blix and General Romeo D’Allaire (Canada). I look forward to hearing about your work with ICAN.

As you know, in 2003, when millions of people marched to try to prevent the bombing of Iraq, the New York Times wrote that there is still a second superpower in the world - world public opinion. We can take heart from knowing that together we are making a difference.

I send each of you my warm good wishes for your anniversary and for the future.

Mary-Wynne Ashford


Dr. メアリー - ワイン・アシュフォード




今年、私の著書「もう血は流さないでー暴力・テロ・戦争を解決する101の方法」を日本語に翻訳していただけることになり、非常に楽しみにしています。ご存知かもしれませんが、この本は今年ニューヨークで独立出版社賞を受賞しました。フリーダム・ファイター部門で銅賞を頂きました。「The US Constitution Illustrated (絵で見る米国憲法)」が金賞でした。



この20年、 反核医師の会は核廃絶のために精力的に活動されてきました。IPPNWにも積極的に協力していただき、世界大会への参加、反核医師の会の「つどい」や出版を通して大変寄与していただいてきました。

今年、IPPNWは胸躍るような新しいグローバル・キャンペーン、 ICAN( International Campaign Against Nuclear Arms 核兵器反対国際キャンペーン)を開始しました。このキャンペーンは注目され、さまざまな国とDr. ハンス・ブリックスや ロメオ ダレール将軍(カナダ)を始めとする国連高官などの支持を得ています。みなさま方が ICAN運動で活動される様子を耳にするのを楽しみに待っています。

ご存知のように、2003年にイラク爆撃を中止させようと数百万人が行進したとき、ニューヨーク・タイムズは「いまだ世界で二番目の超大国 ― 世界の世論―は健在だ」と書きました。 私たちは、いっしょになって流れを変えつつあるのだと確かな息吹を感じることができます。


メアリー - ワイン・アッシュフォード